Climb To Normal Cruise
Approximately 10% of the rate of climb below the desired level off altitude, lower the nose to
the normal cruise attitude, simultaneously reducing the power to that required for normal cruise
and retrim the aircraft as required.
Cruise To Penetration Descent
To enter a penetration descent from 250 KIAS cruise, simultaneously lower the nose to
approximately 12 nose down, reduce power to approximately 75% RPM, and then extend the
speedbrakes. Adjust the nose to maintain 250 KIAS and retrim the aircraft.
From a speed less than 250 KIAS, lower the nose to penetration descent attitude. As the airspeed
approaches 250 KIAS, reduce the power to approximately 75% RPM, simultaneously extending
the speedbrakes. Adjust the nose to maintain 250 KIAS and retrim the aircraft.
From a speed greater than penetration speed, reduce power to approximately 75% RPM and
extend the speed brakes. As the airspeed approaches 250 KIAS, begin lowering the nose to the
penetration attitude, adjusting as necessary to maintain 250 KIAS, retrim the aircraft.
The "platform" calls, while descending through 5000 feet AGL and the "Minute-to-Live" rule
have been previously discussed and continue to apply.
Penetration Descent To Normal Cruise
Penetration descents are accomplished with the use of speedbrakes as necessary while
maintaining 250 KIAS during the penetration to normal cruise. Retraction of the speedbrakes
will be required at while adherence to the "minute to live" rule as previously described. A power
addition will be required during the transition from a penetration to normal cruise.
Level Speed Changes
Level speed changes may be performed while maintaining a constant heading or in a turn. To
maintain altitude as the aircraft decelerates, the nose attitude must gradually be increased to
offset the decrease in lift. Conversely, as the aircraft accelerates, the nose attitude must be
decreased to offset increased lift. Level flight scan is maintained throughout the maneuver,
whether in a turn or on a constant heading, retrimming the aircraft as required.
Decelerating Level Speed Change
Reduce the RPM to pattern cruise or slow cruise power setting while simultaneously extending
the speedbrakes. Trim as the aircraft decelerates. Five knots prior to the desired airspeed, retract
the speed brakes and trim.
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