Abeam To Roll-In
Between the abeam position and the roll-in, the aircraft follows a circular arc. Pattern altitude
must be maintained from the abeam to the roll-in. Passing the abeam, the IP will fly a 12-14 unit
level turn maintaining pattern airspeed. This is an ideal time in the WEPS pattern to conduct a
cruise check. About 90 from the run-in heading, the IP will set power to release rpm and
increase the pull to 15 - 17 units, maintaining pattern altitude.
The Roll-In
The roll-in begins about 30 prior to the run-in heading. At this point, the IP will roll the aircraft
to about 120 AOB, and smoothly pull the aircraft nose low such that it is aligned with the run-in
line. The OUI will make a UHF call when their aircraft nose is below the horizon, "Turbo One's
in cold." (Cold indicates that the master arm switch is OFF.) The aircraft will be rolled wings
level and acquire the proper initial "pipper" placement. Once you are established in the dive run,
the dive angle and airspeed will be checked and reported on the ICS by the student. The dive
attack will be flown and the student will make the appropriate UHF and ICS calls.
At the release altitude, with the dive attack parameters met (dive angle and airspeed) the OUI
will call "PICKLE," wait a half second, and call "PULL." Both calls will be made on the ICS.
The IP will simulate a weapon's release and initiate dive recovery. The half second pause
between weapon's release: "PICKLE" and the initiation of dive recovery: "PULL" is to allow
the simulated weapon to clear the aircraft.
The IP will begin the dive recovery by smoothly applying 3-4 G's in a wings-level attitude.
Application of "G" should be immediate but gradual, obtaining 4 G's over 2-3 seconds. As the
nose of the aircraft comes through the horizon, the IP will increase power to MRT and continue
the recovery. Once the nose is above the horizon, the OUI will call "Turbo ONE'S OFF SAFE"
on the UHF.
Twenty-Degree Pattern
The 20 pattern is the standard weapons delivery pattern during the division flight. The 20 "Z"
diagram and visual display of the 20 wagon wheel pattern is depicted in Figures 8-7 and 8-8.
Pattern altitude:
4000 feet AGL
Pattern airspeed:
250 KIAS
Standby altitude:
3000 feet AGL
Release altitude:
2000 feet AGL
Release airspeed:
300 KIAS
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