Procedure Track
From the FAF inbound to the field is the procedure track. This is when the aircraft is being
flown down to the published landing minima. The approach is completed either by visual
acquisition of the field at the missed approach point and subsequent landing, or by executing a
missed approach (Figures 7-18 and 7-19).
Missed Approach Track
The MAT, and holding pattern if necessary, will be shown by a dashed fine print track with an
arrowhead. The missed approach instructions will be written in the profile box. (Figures 7-19
and 7-20.)
Feeder Facilities
A bold print circle, normally 20 NM in radius, around the navigation facility indicates everything
within the circle is to scale, or approximately to scale. Outside the circle will be found two
concentric dashed rings. The inner ring is labeled "FEEDER FACILITIES." NAVAIDs on the
ring are transitional facilities which aid the aircrew in making the transition from enroute to
approach. The outer ring, labeled "HIGH ALTITUDE FACILITIES" will depict NAVAIDs
found on the High Altitude Charts. The arrows emanating from these navigation aids normally
show the course and distance from that navigation aid to the IAF.
Some high altitude facilities show radial and DME to feeder
facilities or to the holding fix rather than at the IAF. These will be
obvious when examining the approach chart, or will be indicated
by a "NOTE" in the planview.
Emergency Safe Altitude
The emergency safe altitude is stated in the lower left-hand corner of the planview. The
emergency safe altitude gives 1000 feet clearance above the highest obstructions within 100 NM
of the specified NAVAID in non-mountainous areas and 2000 feet clearance in designated
mountainous areas. In Figure 7-19, it is 16,000 feet MSL.
Minimum Sector Altitudes
Altitudes depicted on the planview which provide 1000 feet of obstacle clearance within a 25
mile radius of the navigation facility upon which the procedure is predicted. Sectors depicted on
approach charts must be at least 90 in scope. These altitudes are for emergency use only and do
not necessarily assure acceptable navigation signal coverage. In Figure 7-19, there is only one
sector with an MSA of 2200 feet MSL.
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