Figure 7-20 Missed Approach
Profile Section
Figure 7-20 shows the profile section which accompanies Figure 7-19, HI-TACAN RWY 36L at
Moody AFB. The Profile Section depicts the approach by using the same symbols as the
planview and is essentially a cross section of the flight path in the planview. The profile section
contains all of the information necessary to fly the approach. The altitudes precede the fix to
which they apply, or will be arrowed to the fix. They will be either mandatory, minimum,
maximum, or recommended, depending on how the altitude figure is lined. At the end of the
penetration track is the FAF which is indicated on the profile view by a boldface "X". Other
symbology in the profile section defines the VDP (boldface "V") and MAP (start of missed
approach track).
Approach Minima Section
When flying an instrument approach, you are concerned with two sets of minimums. Prior to
reaching IAF you must be sure the weather is at or above minimums in order to commence the
approach. Then, you need to find your altitude minimums for final approach. Each of the parts
of a typical Minima Section was defined in the Explanation of Terms earlier in this chapter. The
following examples, using information from the minima section of the HI-TACAN RWY 13 at
Cannon AFB, will clarify the relationships between the numbers.
The published minimum ceiling for an approach is the minimum
height of the ceiling (AGL) above the airport elevation necessary
to commence that approach. Ceilings are seldom uniform in
height; therefore, in the following illustrations, aircraft distances
below the published minimum ceilings are, in actuality,
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