Holding Pattern
In the upper right-hand corner of the planview box is a display of the terminal holding pattern
including recommended entry turns. It is oriented to magnetic North, as is the whole approach
procedure. It should be remembered that the entry turn is based solely upon aircraft heading
upon reaching the holding fix. To use this pattern, you should determine from which sector you
are approaching and execute the type entry shown by the codes right turn (RT), left turn (LT), or
teardrop (TD). Holding procedures will be discussed in the INAV course.
The holding fix is a specified fix used as a reference point in establishing and maintaining the
position of an aircraft while holding. Note that the holding fix is an anchor point for the folding
pattern. It is always the position where the holding pattern departs, or turns away from, the
holding radial. Arrival holding patterns are thin, solid black lines located at, or near, the IAF.
Missed approach holding is located near the Missed Approach Track (MAT) and uses its
symbology. In Figure 7-19, the holding fix is WEEMS (VAD 190/15). The pattern consists of
left-hand turns with 5-mile leg lengths. The inbound (010) and outbound (190) courses are
TACAN/DME fixes are identified by a short straight line intersecting a specified radial. If a
DME fix or radial is shown on the planview, something happens at that point, e.g., an altitude
restriction of turn of an arc.
Initial Approach Fix
The radio navigation facility from which the approach is being executed is shown at the center of
the planview box. The point at which the penetration is commenced is known as the IAF and is
identified by a small line intersecting a specified radial. (In the case of an approach without
DME, there will not be a line since the penetration must begin over the NAVAID, a position
known as "High Station.")
The IAF may or may not be located in the holding; most often it is the holding fix. In Figure 7-19,
the IAF is at 15 DME on the 190 radial from VAD. Additional identification for the IAF often
includes a 5 letter name, the symbol "(IAF)", or a box with its latitude and longitude.
Penetration Track
The penetration track is shown by a bold print dotted line with arrow markings and numerical
course indicators. DME fixes or radials which relate to altitude restrictions in the profile section
may by found at points along the penetration track. The FAF will be found at the end of the
penetration track (Figures 7-18 and 7-19).
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