If unable, proceed with the TACAN 22 approach, maintain 2600 until over OZONA
IAF." (See MacDill AFB TACAN Rwy 22 for illustration.)
3. Missed Approach. A missed approach procedure will be issued to an aircraft planning a
full stop landing, if weather reports indicate that any portion of the final approach will be
conducted in IFR conditions. For aircraft planning a low approach or touch and go, departure
instructions will be issued; e.g., ". . . after completing low approach, climb and maintain 1600,
turn left heading 090. . ."
When planning a full stop landing, low approach, or touch and go instructions should be
issued by ATC prior to commencing final descent.
4. Vectors to the PAR Pattern. When the approach controller picks you up on his scope, his
task is to vector your aircraft to a suitable position and altitude for handoff to the PAR final
controller. Maintain normal cruise until a transition is appropriate. If a descent is required, report
leaving present altitude and conduct a terminal descent to the assigned altitude. Turns should be
performed at standard rate until established on PAR final. Monitor destination navaids as an aid
in orientation as well as a means of preparation for the lost communication contingency. The
controller will advise you of aircraft position at least once before starting final, e.g., ". . .
downwind leg, 8 miles northeast of airport," and at least once each mile on final approach, e.g., ".
. . 3 miles from touchdown."
On this approach you could be vectored to any one of four positions relative to the PAR
final: downwind, base, semifinal or final itself. During subsequent approaches, vectors
will follow the "box" pattern (figure 22).
a. Vectors to downwind. The downwind leg is flown in the clean configuration at 150
b. Vectors to base leg. There are two ways to reach base leg. One is to be vectored
directly on to base leg from outside the pattern. The other is to be vectored on to base leg
after having flown a downwind leg. The approach controller should advise you when you reach
the base leg. Your TACAN position/heading relative to the field may be used as an indication of
arrival on base leg if the controller fails to provide this advisory. You will dirty up on base leg.
If on base inside 8 miles, lower gear and flaps as soon as practical. If 8-13 NM from the field on
base leg, wait until you are within 30 of final, then dirty up.
Transition as follows:
(a) Check airspeed below 150 knots and lower the gear.
(b) Slow below 120 knots and lower full flaps.
(c) Perform the Landing checklist. Report gear down to final controller.
NOTE: Army and Navy controllers are required to advise the pilot to, "Perform landing check,"
at least once prior to final descent.
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