c. Vectors to semi-final. In some cases you will be vectored to a semi-final or a "dog-
leg." Normally on this leg you will be approaching final at a 30-45 angle. If you enter this leg in
normal cruise, transition to landing configuration as you would on base leg. In any case, the
transition to landing configuration should be complete prior to handoff to the PAR final
controller. This normally occurs approximately eight miles from the runway.
d. Vectors to final. For a straight-in PAR, transition to landing configuration when
inside 13 NM.
e. PAR "box" pattern. The standard PAR "box" pattern consists of sequential vectors to
the downwind, base, and semi-final/final legs. Perform the appropriate procedures on each leg
as described above. See Figure 22.
5. PAR Final. All procedures described thus far have, as their end result, the establishment
of the aircraft on PAR final. The crux of the entire approach is the ability of the pilot to
accurately comply with the final controller's course and glidepath corrections until visually
acquiring the runway environment or reaching decision height (DH).
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