Figure 21
NOTE: The T-34 is considered a single-piloted aircraft. OPNAV indicates that single-piloted
aircraft use 200' ceiling/HAT and 1/2 mile/2400' RVR as absolute minimums for instrument
approaches. Consider the above example. When you reach the published decision height of 114'
MSL you will be at an HAT of 100' AGL. In order not to break the 200' HAT absolute minimum
you must increase the decision height of In this case and increase of 100' is necessary. This
would result in a modified DH of 214' MSL resulting in a HAT of 200' AGL. In addition, the
minimum visibility required to commence the approach would become 1/2 mile instead of the
original 1/4 mile.
2. Initial contact with Approach Control. Make the request for PAR approaches upon initial
contact with Approach Control. The following approach information will be provided by ATC:
a. Type of approach. "This will be a PAR approach to runway 22."
b. Altimeter setting.
c. Ceiling and visibility if below 1000 feet (or below highest circling minimum,
whichever is greater or visibility less than 3 miles.
d. Special weather observations.
e. Airport conditions important to the safe operation of aircraft.
f. Lost communication procedures, when weather reports indicate that IFR weather
conditions will likely be encountered during the approach. Lost communication
instructions will typically include an altitude and a standard instrument approach
procedure; e.g., "... if no transmissions received for 30 seconds (not more than one
minute) in the pattern or 5 seconds on final, attempt contact on 258.3, and proceed VFR.
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