There will be situations in which an entry procedure has be modified in order to establish the
aircraft in holding in safe but expeditious manner. There are several factors that cause these last
minute changes. The most common factors are wind and navigational error. Let's examine a few
situations that may arise. Wind correction techniques will be examined in a later paragraph.
Figure 18
Aircraft A is inbound to the NPA holding fix from Crestview. It is to make one turn in
holding. The student, ENS S. HOT, has correctly decided to utilize a teardrop ,entry. However,
after a brief thought about his girlfriend, he let his navigation slip. The pilot is just waking up
from his nap as ENS HOT quickly sizes up the situation: he is going to miss the holding fix.
Being the flexible aviator that he is, ENS HOT tells the pilot to come to a heading of 180 for a
modified outbound parallel entry, a perfectly acceptable Maneuver for this situation (Figure 18).
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