Figure 19
Aircraft B is to make one turn in holding. 2LT SHURE has called for an outbound parallel
entry. After his initial turn to 180, he notes a crosswind. He looks at his 12 needle and
determines that his outbound parallel turn to the right will get him into trouble because he will
drift to the right rather than parallelling the outbound course. He quickly analyzes his situation
and calls for a left turn to offset his drift and to return to the holding course of 360. He has
saved the day by utilizing a modified teardrop turn.(Figure 19)
Keep these illustrations in mind for they are typical of the situations you may encounter.
Be flexible and be ready to modify entry procedure if the need arises. However, it is more
desirable that the wind be compensated for before modifications become necessary.
An EFC is a time issued to you by an Air Traffic Controller. The time he gives you is the
time that he expects to issue further clearance (i.e., another EFC or immediate clearance for
your approach). If, after receiving an EFC, you should lose your radios, you are to hold until
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