Standard Holding, (Right Turns) Figure 17A
1) Sector A (Teardrop): If the reciprocal is between the heading index and 70 to the right
of the heading index, make a. teardrop entry. This is accomplished by turning the aircraft 30
into the depicted holding pattern.
2) Section B (Outbound Parallel): If the reciprocal is between the heading index and 110
to the left of the heading index, make a left turn to parallel the holding radial.
3) Section C (Direct Entry): If the reciprocal does not meet the criteria listed in 1 or 2 above,
turn the aircraft right to the reciprocal of the holding course and enter holding outbound from fix.
Figure 17A
Non-standard Holding, (Left Turns) Figure 17B
1) Sector A (Teardrop): If the reciprocal is between the heading index and 70 to the left of
the heading index, make a teardrop entry. This is accomplished by turning the aircraft 30 into
the depicted holding pattern to a point 2nm offset from the turn point.
2) Sector B (Outbound Parallel): If the reciprocal is between the heading index and 110 to
the right of the heading index, make a right turn to parallel the holding radial. At the turn point,
turn the aircraft right to intercept the holding course with a 30 extra correction cut.
3) Sector C (Direct Entry): If the reciprocal does not meet the criteria listed in 1 or 2 above,
turn the aircraft left to the reciprocal of the holding course and enter holding outbound from fix.
In all cases, depicted and nondepicted holding, after reaching the holding fix, you must turn your
aircraft to enter holding. For the nonstandard pattern, the slope of the 70 line is reversed and
oriented on the holding side just as in the standard pattern.
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