Introduction - A holding pattern approach uses a published holding pattern to reverse course
and establish the aircraft inbound on the intermediate or final approach course. Holding
pattern approaches are printed using a normal holding pattern track with a heavy line indicating
it is to be done "in lieu of procedure turn". The entry turn and maneuvering in holding both
utilize normal holding procedures. Only one circuit of the holding pattern is expected unless
more are necessary to lose excessive altitude or to become better established on course, in which
case ATC must be advised. Descent from the minimum holding altitude may be commenced at
the holding fix (case I) or on the inbound leg (case II) when cleared for the approach.
Figure 10
In the later case, the aircraft must be established on the inbound segment of the published
approach course prior to beginning descent.
If established in a holding pattern as depicted in Figure 11 (thin blue line) and subsequently
cleared for the approach do not execute the procedure turn. Use holding pattern approach
procedures. If holding as depicted in Figure 12 and subsequently cleared for the approach, the
procedure turn must be executed to allow sufficient time to intercept the final approach course,
transition to BAC, and descend to MDA. Request clarification from ATC if unsure of correct-
Procedure - The following procedures assume clearance for the Marianna VOR-A approach
(Figure 13) has been received and you are proceeding to the IAF at 3000'.
1. At the IAF, indicated by station passage, execute the6 T's.
a. TIME - Start the depicted outbound timing (one minute) using the stop watch
function of the clock when wings level or abeam the station whichever occurs last. (If no
timing is depicted use one minute below 4000'.)
b. TURN - Use the holding pattern entry procedures described in Chapter 6 to determine
heading and turn direction.
c. TRANSITION - Make a level speed change to 120 knots. Descend at 120 knots to the
published minimum holding altitude (2000').
d. TWIST - Twist the depicted inbound course (315) with the OBS. In a holding
pattern approach fly a hading on the outbound leg.
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