e. TALK - Give the appropriate voice report.
SNFO: "Cairns Approach, Turbo 11, VOR outbound, leaving 3000".
It is not necessary to state the altitude to which descending, because it is depicted on the
approach plate and not assigned verbally.
CONTROLLER: "Turbo 11, Cairns Approach, roger, report VOR inbound.
f. TRACK - hold a heading outbound.
2. Approaching completion of your outbound timing determine the correct direction of turn
to intercept the inbound course (315) in accordance with holding procedures. Start the turn at
the completion of you outbound timing (one minute in this example). Intercept the inbound
3. Level off at the holding altitude.
NOTE: The level-off may occur at any time during the holding orbit depending on how much
altitude you have to lose.
4. Transition to BAC. When established on the inbound course or when you shallow
intercept transition to BAC and complete the Landing checklist.
5. Fly the inbound course to the station. When established inbound, descend to the Final
Approach Fix altitude (17000')
6. Procedures at and after the final approach fix are identical to those for the procedure turn
and teardrop approaches.
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