b. Procedure turn inbound report where radio facility is located at the field:
"Approach, Turbo 11, procedure turn inbound."
"Turbo 11, Jax Approach, roger, contact Navy Jax Tower 355.8."
"Turbo 11, roger, tower on 355.8."
(After switching to 355.8) "Tower, Turbo 11, procedure turn
inbound, gear down, full stop."
"Turbo 11, Navy Jax tower, cleared to land runway 09"
"Turbo 11, roger, cleared to land runway 09"
8. Maintain the aircraft on the inbound course to the station at the minimum altitude, 3000
feet. (If the station is located at the field, you will descend to MDA out of the teardrop turn.)
9. The procedures at the final approach fix (or at the inbound turn if the radio facility is at
the field) are designed to allow the aircraft to be flown safely to the field at the lowest possible
altitude until further descent to landing can be made.
a. Procedures at the PAP. You must fly from the station (final approach fix) inbound to
the field for a specific length of time. The length of time you fly depends upon your
ground speed and plate. You will also descend to the minimum descent altitude (MDA)
at this time.
(1) At the final approach fix (FAF) perform the following procedures (6 T's):
(a) TIME - start the clock sweep second hand.
(b) TURN - to parallel inbound course (087).
(c) TRANSITION - start a descent to the minimum descent altitude (MDA). 7-17
NOTE: Be sure you are using the correct minimums for the duty runway.
(d) TWIST - the final approach course (087 ) in the IND-350. Turn to intercept
the final approach course.
(e) TALK - give the required voice report.
"Tower, Navy Turbo 11, Final Approach Fix, gear down, full
TOWER: "Navy Turbo 11, Navy Jax Tower, cleared to land runway 09."
"Turbo 11, cleared to land runway 09."
(f) TRACK - outbound on the 087 radial.
(2) Level off at the minimum descent altitude (620' MSL).
(3) At the end of FAF-to-MAP timing, if the field is in sight and the aircraft is in a
position to make a safe landing, descent below the MDA is authorized. If both conditions
are not met, execute a missed approach.
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