| ![]() APPENDIX D
Congratulations on making it to the LOW-LEVEL/TACFORM phase of pilot training. You will
be attending LL/TF academics classes sometime during late Instrument stage and prior to your
first LL/TF flight. It is imperative that you read the FTI prior to attending these classes! This
phase of flying will be both exciting and fun, but it requires a great deal more preparation than
Contact or Instrument flights. You must show up prepared for class and for each of your flights.
Being unprepared will not be tolerated.
You must bring fully prepared charts for every route you will fly. During the academic classes,
you will be required to draw 2 routes. These charts take approximately 4-5 hours each to draw
so it is important to plan accordingly. It is tedious work but doesn't take a lot of brainpower!
Get the blank charts from your academics instructor or the chart locker. If more than one chart is
needed for the route, tape them together. If the route is drawn on a TPC chart, you will also need
to draw the run-in (IP to DZ) on a JOG chart. Remember to have your charts cover the entire
route, i.e., you need to have charts to cover the flight from takeoff to landing.
Using previously drawn charts: If you are going to fly different routes than the ones you drew
in class, you will have to check out a route chart from the chart locker and make sure it's
chummed and up to date (annotate a new date on the back of the chart) before flying with the
chart. Upon completion of the flight, put the charts back in the folders where you got them.
Keep the charts in good shape since other students will have to use them. Don't wait until the
last minute to get your chart...if there are no charts available, notify your IP or the squadron
LL/TF stage manager immediately!
Using Falconview charts. After you have drawn low-level charts in the academics class, other
charts can be prepared using the Falconview program. Chart requirements remain the same for
hand-drawn charts and Falconview charts with one exception, use the MTR overlay function to
put conflicting MTRs on your chart.
Chart Preparation. Use the following table to determine required charts for your assigned
routes to draw. Get charts from your academics instructor Route/Chart combinations are listed
in figure D-1.
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