Emergency Shutdown Checklist, then execute the Starter Assisted Airstart Checklist down to and including
"Generator - Off". This will facilitate restart should the operating engine malfunction.
Whenever an engine is shutdown as a precaution during an actual malfunction (low oil pressure, high oil
temp, etc.), the Starter Assisted Airstart Checklist may be completed down to and including "Generator -
Off" as soon as time allows at IP's discretion.
Never touch a firewall valve in flight unless an actual shutdown is required due to an actual
emergency/malfunction. During simulated training, only point to the applicable valve.
NOTE In the event of inadvertent securing of the engine by use of the firewall valve, restart may take longer than
normal due to purge of the fuel line downstream from the firewall valve.
Normally SSE training is accomplished by placing one power lever at idle. The engine is not actually
secured or feathered. The IP may move one lever to idle or the student may be required to place one at idle
during the course of a simulated malfunction. Point to the appropriate prop lever and condition lever to
identify the desired control. Do not move any prop lever or condition lever in-flight unless an actual
shutdown is intended.
The emergency report should include as much of the following information as applicable, time permitting:
* (1)
Declaration of emergency or MAYDAY.
* (2)
* (3)
Nature of distress or urgency.
* (4)
* (5)
Intentions and request.
Present position and heading, or if lost, last known position, time, and heading since that position.
Fuel remaining in hours and minutes.
Souls on-board.
Other useful information.
*Items normally reported when minimum time is available such as rapid ditching.
Engine Management During Single-Engine Operation. Proper management of the operating engine will
increase the probability of safely reaching a suitable landing area. Greater than normal cruise power will
be required to maintain altitude and airspeed. Fuel must be carefully managed and cross-feed considered.
Some situations, such as a windmilling prop, may demand very high power settings and place undesired
mechanical stress on the operating engine. If maximum power is required to stay airborne, use it. If at all
possible however, use minimum power required to meet operational requirements.
Do not descend prematurely. Single-engine performance in the T-44 is not awe-inspiring; however, turns
can be made into or away from the failed engine as long as speed is maintained above 102 KIAS. Evaluate
crosswind and check runway length/width. Make single-engine landings on the most favorable runway.
Placing the dead engine into the wind may facilitate aircraft control during the landing rollout. Placing the
good engine into the wind may help aircraft control and reduce rudder requirements while airborne.
Simulated Feather. Simulate feathering by increasing thrust from the windmilling prop. This action
results in achieving zero thrust. When simulating feather during any maneuver, the IP should adjust torque
on the "feathered" engine in accordance with NATOPS.
SSE Waveoff At Altitude. SSE waveoffs allow safe transition from SSE descending flight to maximum
power, SSE climbing flight. The maneuver is designed to stop altitude loss as soon as possible while
transitioning to a climb at a desired climb speed. Practice at altitude prepares the student for SSE waveoffs
in the traffic pattern.
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