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Simulated Emergency Training. Simulated emergency training is conducted during all phases of
instruction. Practicing emergencies is required to develop fully qualified and confident flight crews.
Accuracy is much more important than speed. All emergencies shall be conducted in accordance with
NATOPS and Appendix E.
Students will be held responsible for knowledge of all emergency procedures except for the deferred
emergencies (i.e. gear malfunctions). This does not discourage the use of NATOPS to ensure all items
were covered. Here is some information about certain types of simulated emergency training you will see.
When simulating an emergency requiring an engine shutdown, the student should complete the memory
items then ask the instructor if secondary indications of fire or fuel leak exist. Continue the checklist if
simulating a fire or fuel leak. If simulating any non-fire or fuel leak emergency, initiate the Dead Engine
Checklist or state the Dead Engine Checklist is not required, as appropriate.
If a SSE scenario deals with a mechanical malfunction, overheat, vibration, explosion, zero N1, strong fuel
fumes, or fire (MOVEOFF), complete the entire Dead Engine Checklist as time permits. The Dead Engine
Checklist should be continued after a wave-off in the landing pattern if the checklist was held.
Any gear malfunction must be handled IAW NATOPS. The landing gear downlock J-hook has a "pilot
function". The aircraft commander may elect to move the J-hook with the "DN LOCK REL SWITCH" if
the hook prevents gear retraction when safely airborne.
During execution of NATOPS procedures for a Primary Governor Failure in which the propeller does not
feather at Step 3, proceed with the Alternate Propeller Feather Checklist.
If a fire light illuminates in flight or on deck, complete the Emergency Shutdown Checklist or Emergency
Shutdown On Deck Checklist as appropriate to include discharging the fire extinguisher even when no
secondary indications of fire are present.
In case of a generator out light, conduct the NATOPS procedures before troubleshooting.
During fuel leak scenarios, discharging the fire bottle is not required.
Maintaining scan and control is imperative. During night or instrument conditions, direct the CP to activate
switches (generator, etc.) outside your normal scan pattern.
Minimum Altitudes. The following minimum AGL altitudes apply for T-44 training:
8000 feet
Full stalls, Vmca demonstration.
5000 feet
Dynamic engine cut, Approaches to stall.
4000 feet
Ditching recovery, Engine shutdown, Feather.
2000 feet
Initiate recovery from emergency descent.
1000 feet
Complete recovery from emergency descent/over-water seat changes.
800 feet
Over-land seat changes.
300 feet
SSE after takeoff (IP-initiated.)
200 feet
SSE waveoff (IP-initiated.)
100 feet
Waveoff (IP-initiated.)
Actual Engine Shutdown or Feather. Engine shutdown, feathering, and restarts shall be conducted in
accordance with NATOPS, Appendix E, and only when required by the curriculum for the specific flight.
During training, actual engine shutdown will be induced only by placing a condition lever to fuel cutoff.
The condition lever shall not be moved from fuel cutoff after a shutdown until required by the appropriate
restart checklist. Syllabus flights requiring actual prop feathering or engine shutdown, shall be performed
only in VMC during daylight. Descent to landing at a suitable field must be possible without encountering
IMC. A suitable field is further defined as a field with a minimum of 4900' length and 100' width and
ground fire fighting assistance. No engine may be secured or prop feathered below 4000' AGL, except
during an actual emergency. If flight on one engine is desired without an immediate restart, complete the

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