The SSE waveoff is a demanding maneuver requiring precise aircraft control and expedient execution of
procedures. Climb performance is directly proportional to how well the maneuver is executed. Limited
power margins (especially at altitude) dictate exact execution.
Level off on a 1000' altitude plus 800 (i.e., 4800, 5800, etc.), 120 KIAS, on a numbered heading. One
technique is to align the Course Deviation Indicator (CDI) with your heading, tail at the top. This simulates
800' on the downwind leg of the traffic pattern. The IP will simulate a single-engine by reducing one
power lever to idle or simulating a situation requiring an engine to be secured. "Power up, rudder up, clean
up." Complete the Emergency Shutdown Checklist without delay. The IP will call "Approaching the 180".
Lower the flaps and gear and complete the Landing Checklist. Immediately start a descending left turn to
arrive at the "90" at 500' and 120 KIAS (minimum 110 KIAS). Continue the turn to "final," rolling out on
the head of the CDI at 250' with a minimum of 110 KIAS, maximum of 120 KIAS. Smoothly place the
props full forward; when IP calls "Waveoff," execute the following procedures:
Maximum allowable. Simultaneously transition to a climb attitude. Anticipate
significant rudder with power. Keep the ball nearly centered ( to out towards the
operating engine) while using up to 5 AOB into the operating engine. Maintain a
minimum of Vxse (102 KIAS), a maximum of Vyse (110 KIAS), preferably Vyse. Level off
or descend if required to maintain flying speed. Under no circumstances allow speed to
approach Vsse (91 KIAS).
Approach (unless already up). Immediately select flaps to approach.
Up. The gear is raised when the descent has been stopped or there is no possibility of
touchdown on a prepared surface. Do not delay in raising the gear.
Up. Immediately after selecting gear up, raise the flaps. Anticipate a slight attitude
adjustment to prevent settling.
Reduce to 1900 RPM after CP reports "Gear up." In an actual situation, one prop would
be feathered. A positive single-engine climb is not possible in any configuration with a
windmilling prop.
Direct the CP to make a waveoff call. The maneuver is complete at the IP's discretion, when established in
a clean climb, minimum of 102 KIAS (preferably 110 KIAS), with the aircraft trimmed and in balanced
Return To Dual Engine Flight Following Single-Engine Training. At the completion of SSE training
returning to dual-engine flight is simple, but must be performed smoothly, especially if an engine has
actually been secured or prop actually feathered. The objective is to allow the engine and prop to smoothly
come up to speed. If power is added abruptly, prop or engine acceleration limits may be exceeded, and
yaw may be excessive. Maximum torque is 2100 ft-lbs for 2 seconds. Never add power to a feathered prop
without placing the prop out of feather and allowing it to come up to idle RPM first. Slowly add power,
allowing time for engine spool-up and smooth prop acceleration, then continue to advance power to match
the other engine. Smoothly adjust both power levers as required, match props to 1900 RPM and fine tune
to reduce cabin noise.
Vmca Demonstration. This maneuver will only be flown by the instructor. It demonstrates single-engine
flight characteristics at low speed and high power. Vmca is the airspeed below which it is not possible to
maintain heading despite maximum rudder deflection and 5 AOB into the operating engine. The Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) certifies Vmca under the following conditions:
Takeoff power set on the operating engine,
Critical engine windmilling (left engine in the T-44),
Flaps at takeoff setting,
Gear up,
5 AOB into operating engine,
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