SSE Wave off. SSE waveoffs allow safe transition from SSE descending flight to maximum power SSE
climbing flight. NATOPS allows for a power setting "as required", but the airplane is power limited with
one engine inoperative. Maximum power on the remaining engine is a recommended starting point. The
maneuver is designed to stop altitude loss as soon as possible, while transitioning to a climb at the desired
climb speed. Minimum altitude for the IP to initiate a practice SSE waveoff is 200'. The IP shall take the
controls and execute any waveoff required below 200' utilizing both engines. The SSE waveoff is a
demanding maneuver requiring precise aircraft control and expedient procedures. Climb performance is
directly proportional to how well the maneuver is executed. Limited power margins dictate exact
execution. Utilize NATOPS Single Engine Waveoff procedures.
Direct the CP to make a waveoff call to Tower. If possible, waveoff slightly offset from the runway to
allow a better view of the traffic.
To standardize all waveoffs, the copilot shall report "gear up" before the props are retarded to 1900. The
intent of this requirement is to ensure that instructors can maintain proper defensive positioning throughout
the waveoff. Students must ensure that they understand the aerodynamic concepts behind getting the gear
up, props back, and proper power set for the best performance.
NOTE: Students are limited to 16 passes, including waveoffs and full stops, or one hour in the landing pattern.
Cabaniss Departure For NGP. Prior to requesting departure, direct the CP or OBS to copy ATIS on VHF
(138.6) or VOR (114.0). If NGP is IFR, place a "GCA-1 on request, full stop" or "Tango-3, (type of
approach desired), full stop." If VFR, place a "Sunrise departure on request, full stop/touch and go." All
departures must be coordinated by Cabaniss Tower with Approach/NGP Tower. Clearance for VFR
departure normally takes only a few minutes unless an emergency is in progress at NGP. IFR departures
require more coordination and may take longer. If the weather is marginal, check ATIS continuously
during the flight or contact NGP Metro (344.6) to stay on top of the situation. Allow extra fuel if an
approach is anticipated. It is always better to incomplete a flight rather than press on with inadequate
reserves. The aircraft must be on-deck prior to either nacelle indicating in the yellow range. No fuel is
available at Cabaniss.
If departing IFR, squawk the assigned code and contact Corpus Approach when directed. "Runway
heading to 1500' contact Approach on channel 5" is a typical clearance. Report off Cabaniss, altitude
passing and assigned altitude, and then comply with instructions.
If departing VFR, do so in accordance with Course Rules. Report "Sunrise for the break, full stop/touch and
go." Carefully note the assigned runway and instructions. Do not confuse left and right runways. Prevailing
winds from the southeast favor runway 13 throughout most of the year. If instructed to make a base entry,
immediate action may be required to arrive at the base (90) position configured to land, at 500'/110 KIAS.
Do not land prior to the arresting gear if it is rigged. Only slow taxi is authorized over the cable.
Return To Parking and Shutdown. After final landing, clear the runway as soon as possible at the first
available turnoff. To avoid excessive side loads on the gear, ensure aircraft has slowed to a safe taxi speed.
Be alert to Tower instructions such as "Cleared to cross 13 left" or "Hold short of 13 left". Read back all
"Hold short" or "Cleared to cross" intersections. Visually check and report "Clear" to the CP at all runway
or taxiway intersections. Switch to Ground as soon as clear of the duty runway/runways. Do not start
After Landing Checklist until clear of the active runway. Report position and request "Taxi to my line."
During early FAMs, the aircraft may be stopped clear of any congested areas prior to taxiing. Do not
block the taxiway. Complete the After Landing Checklist. After the student becomes familiar with
checklists and competent at taxiing, complete the checklist while slowly taxiing to the line. Give way to
outbound traffic. The taxiing Pilot should direct the CP to complete items that might divert attention from
outside the aircraft, especially at night. Switch to 138.775 and report "Peg Base, Bureau Number,
returned, up/down, request parking." If you intend to report the aircraft down, confirm with the IP it is
down prior to calling. State the reason when making the voice report. Obtain parking assignment prior to
entering the line to avoid taxiing past the spot. Initiate the Secure Checklist if time allows. Be alert for
chocks or other hazards in the vicinity of the line.
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