Complete the memory items of the Emergency Shutdown Checklist, transfer communications to
the CP, declare an emergency, and address the Dead Engine Checklist.
When a fire is first discovered past the 180 position, only the first 3 memory items of the Emergency
Shutdown Checklist are required. You are allowed to complete the checklist if able, but not at the expense
of maintaining solid BAW. Generally, once established on final, checklist items should not be executed.
"Not required" or "first two items of the Dead Engine Checklist" is an appropriate response to the Dead
Engine Checklist challenge during the emergency shutdown checklist in the pattern; it is time dependent.
Addressing the first "two items" is good headwork since it will reduce the load on the remaining generator.
Should a waveoff be required, the pilot can then call for the remainder of the Dead Engine Checklist as
Case 5. After the 90. The steep G/S maintained in the VFR traffic pattern usually requires little power on
final. Therefore, power loss should pose no particular problem. Only slight additional power is normally
required. The need for power is usually most noticeable nearing the runway since a minimum of 110 KIAS
must be maintained over the threshold. Some power is usually required all the way to touchdown in order
to maintain speed. Loss of an engine on final may not allow time to complete checklists. Concentrate on
flying the aircraft to a smooth touchdown, on centerline, in the first third of the runway.
NOTE: Use of full flaps is left to the discretion of the P, but is not recommended due to the aircraft's limited
waveoff capability. Students will not practice full flap SSE landings.
Maintain directional control and crosswind corrections, ensuring sufficient power to sustain
110 KIAS to the threshold. Accomplish the first three memory items (optional/recommended).
Smoothly place the props full forward and visually check three green lights. Call "Props full
forward, three down and locked, review me complete, you have the comms, declare an emergency
once safely on-deck." The CP will check the props full forward, three green lights, and respond
"Reviewed complete."
NOTE: For actual engine failures, except for a Case 5 failure, the failed engine would have been feathered during
the Emergency Shutdown Checklist. If a prop has been feathered, only the operative prop would be placed full
forward. In a Case 5 failure, land with both props full forward unless the failed engine has autofeathered. It is
unlikely the prop would autofeather since the power levers would probably not be above the 90% position. If a
waveoff is required under actual single-engine conditions, placing both power levers to maximum allowable should
result in an autofeather.
Maintain a minimum airspeed of 110 KIAS until over the threshold, then slowly reduce power
toward idle and land the aircraft. Maintain alignment and centerline. The aircraft has a tendency
to float with one engine feathered.
Utilize SSE full stop procedures described below.
SSE Full Stop Landing. The SSE full stop landing presents no particular control difficulties as long as the
following procedures are adhered to exactly. After landing, reduce power to idle. Lift both power levers
over the detent and slowly ease the operating engine into reverse. Counteract yaw with rudder while
braking and scanning toward the end of the runway for alignment. If yaw becomes excessive, reduce or
discontinue reversing and stop with brakes. Do not lock the brakes. The maneuver is complete when the
aircraft has come to a slow taxi on the runway. Following an actual single-engine landing, clear the
runway if practicable, then perform shutdown. Do not attempt to taxi on one engine. Make single-
engine landings on the most favorable runway. Placing the dead engine into the wind may facilitate aircraft
control during the landing rollout. Placing the good engine into the wind may help aircraft control and
reduce rudder requirements while airborne.
SSE Full stop landings shall only be performed if the SSE full stop brief was completed. See SSE full stop
brief in Appendix A. All SSE full stop landings shall be initiated from a Case One or Two scenario and
only when specifically required in the syllabus.
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