A positive rate of climb cannot be maintained in any configuration with a windmilling prop. Banking 5 into the
operating engine, while maintaining the ball nearly centered ( to out towards the operating engine), is critical
to optimizing single-engine climb performance at low airspeed and high AOA.
Maintain 110 KIAS (minimum 102 KIAS).
Initiate the crosswind turn at 300' or above, and continue climbing to 800'. Complete the
Emergency Shutdown Checklist.
Transfer communications to the CP, declare an emergency and address Dead Engine Checklist.
Under simulated emergency conditions, inform the IP you would now advise the Tower of your
emergency and intentions.
Case 2. Crosswind Turn. Loss of an engine in a high AOB turn requires immediate action, especially if
the inside engine fails. Proceed as follows:
Add power while simultaneously leveling the wings momentarily, nearly center the ball, and clean
up. Roll wings level regardless of the malfunction. Rolling out allows proper analysis, better
control of the aircraft, and ensures proper rudder input. Maintain a minimum of 110 KIAS. After
regaining control, continue the crosswind turn. An immediate resumption of the turn is desired at
Cabaniss to prevent extending the pattern.
Perform the memory items of the Emergency Shutdown Checklist. After checklist is completed,
transfer communications to the CP, have him/her declare an emergency and address the Dead
Engine Checklist.
Climb to pattern altitude, and then accelerate to 120 KIAS. Maximum allowable power may be
required initially, but should be reduced as soon as practicable.
Case 3. Downwind. Fly a normal pattern.
Add power, nearly center the ball, and clean up if required to maintain 120 KIAS and 800'. The
gear and/or flaps may be raised. Do not clean up if airspeed and 800' can be maintained at
120 KIAS until the 180.
Perform the memory items of the Emergency Shutdown Checklist. Transfer communications to
the CP, declare an emergency and address the Dead Engine Checklist.
Just prior to the 180, if attitude and airspeed permit, select approach flaps, gear down, and
complete the Landing Checklist (if not previously completed). The CP is responsible for making
the radio call once communications are transferred.
(1). If altitude and/or airspeed do not permit lowering of the flaps and landing gear, inform the CP and Tower
you are holding the gear until reaching the pattern profile.
(2). The Landing Checklist must never be held. However, if it was interrupted for any reason, it shall be
Maintain 120 KIAS (minimum 110 KIAS) to the 90. The gear must be down and Landing
Checklist complete no later than the 90.
Case 4. Approach Turn. The approach turn is defined as any point after commencing a turn off the 180
until just prior to rolling out on final. Power loss in a descent is normally easy to control with only slight
additional power.
Add power to maintain 110 KIAS minimum/120 KIAS maximum and nearly center the ball. Do
not raise the gear unless committed to a waveoff. Maintain a minimum of 110 KIAS.
Continue the approach turn.
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