Exercise extreme caution in the vicinity of other aircraft. Stop if wingtip clearance is doubtful and confirm
prior to continuing. Taxi slowly, but attempt to maintain forward movement, as 90 turns are extremely
difficult from a complete stop. Follow the lineman's directions exactly unless safety would be
compromised. It is important to place the aircraft precisely on the spot to facilitate tie-down. Taxi very
slowly for the last several feet, but do not stop movement prematurely. Smoothly bring the aircraft to a
stop and set the parking brake. Complete the Secure Checklist.
Post-flight and Paperwork. Pay particular attention to fluid leaks, missing panels, and evidence of
birdstrikes. Ensure the accelerometer is checked. After the postflight inspection is completed, do not delay
in performing administrative duties. If a downing discrepancy was discovered on postflight, immediately
inform Maintenance Control, then initiate paperwork. This ensures the aircraft will not be issued before
being repaired.
Naval Aircraft Flight Record (OPNAV 3710/4)
The Winflir computer system replaces the "yellow sheet." Fill in the data as required and print two copies.
The PIC will sign the sheets and turn in the Winflir reports, any MAFs, and the book.
Important items of interest:
The PIC will sign the record, certifying it complete and correct.
Engine hours may not necessarily be the same, particularly if engines were shut down in-flight.
If an actual/simulated approach is logged, actual/simulated instrument time must be logged.
In actual instrument conditions, the IP and student will receive credit for an actual instrument
approach when a non-designated aviator flies the approach.
All times will be in reference to the initial point of departure time zone.
If no location identifier exists for the field, use ZZZZ.
Should the system go down, the "yellow sheet" is a form consisting of an original and two color-coded
copies on no-carbon-required (NCR) paper. All copies contain identical information. Errors cause wasted
man-hours at the squadron and at other activities, and may delay your winging date pending correction.
Maintenance Action Form, VIDS (Visual Information and Display System)/MAF (OPNAV 4790/60).
The MAF is a 5-copy form with 4 carbons, or a single sheet that is then transferred to a computer driven
system. Accurate and timely submission of MAFs is directly related to aircraft availability and safety.
They must be 100% correct. If there is any doubt as to whether a gripe is a "downer," discuss it with
Maintenance Control/QA. The Pilot is the final authority in determining whether the gripe is up or down.
Detailed instructions on completing MAFs can be found in Aircraft Issue. Important points to remember
when filling out the form:
Print neatly in black ink on a hard, level surface. If utilizing a multi-copy form, press hard. It
requires effort to get through eight layers of paper. Check the bottom copy after you start writing to
see if it is clearly legible. Check again when finished. If the maintenance personnel can not read it,
they can not fix it. In addition, it is extremely aggravating (and dangerous) if pilots cannot read all
entries in the logbook.
Use the date and time the MAF is submitted, not when it was discovered.
Compose the discrepancy before writing. Be specific. Do not just say "Inop." Give as much detail
as possible. Talk to Maintenance Control if you need help. If the gripe is unusual or difficult to
explain, also describe it to the work center verbally. A few minutes of your time may save hours of
work. Even simple checks sometimes require removing dozens of screws to reach a component.
Use NATOPS or maintenance pubs to find the correct component description. Remember, aircraft
availability is directly related to the quality of your write-up.
Keep a written record of discrepancies as you conduct the flight, to ensure nothing is forgotten.
Power settings, amps, etc., may be very important to note.
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