Print the IP's name in the pilot/initiator block, unless solo. This will assist maintenance personnel if
further information is required.
Circle the appropriate up/down arrow using a tight oval. The sheets often do not line up exactly and
this will help prevent overlap.
Place the completed Winflir sheet and MAFs inside the aircraft logbook, then return the book directly to
Aircraft Issue.
Debrief. The debrief can be one of the most important aspects of flight instruction. If you don't
understand any element of the flight it is your responsibility to ask questions. The IP may not be able to
answer all of your questions, but may know where you can find the answer. Ask questions about your
flight, items you are unsure of or training objectives coming up on your next syllabus event. There are no
bad questions.
Aviation Training Jacket. It is the student's responsibility to review the ATJ frequently, ensuring the
calendar card is updated and ATFs are not missing. If a problem is suspected, notify Student Control; do
not wait until the week of your scheduled winging to attempt to correct administrative errors.
Inadvertent IMC. IMC must be avoided while flying VFR. Occasionally, IMC may be flown into
inadvertently even with the best intentions to avoid it. Flying VFR on dark nights is one time to be
particularly careful.
No set procedures will cover inadvertent IMC in all situations. Good headwork and situational awareness
must be used to meet the objectives: fly out of IMC, rely on instrument scan until in VMC again, fly safe
altitudes for terrain and obstacle avoidance and get ATC assistance.
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