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Twisting the inbound course under the course arrow instead of the front course on a localizer back
course approach
Not accomplishing the tasks contained in the "6 T's" at the IAF or FAF
Final Approach.
A. Single Engine Approaches.
Throughout the radio instrument stage, you will frequently have the opportunity to demonstrate your
knowledge of emergency procedures. Malfunctions encountered in IMC conditions require strict
compliance with NATOPS and efficient crew coordination. You must devote your attention primarily to
flying the aircraft while simultaneously executing and directing corrective action. The simulated single
engine scenarios have a more realistic timeline than most FAM stage scenarios (which are normally
compressed into a pattern circuit to maximize training). When given any simulated malfunction by the
instructor, maintain aircraft control, analyze the situation, and take the appropriate actions. After executing
any memory items, call for the appropriate checklist as soon as practicable. Make decisions about how the
planned course of action may have to change in response to the situation. Prioritize and delegate tasks as
necessary. After engine failure, determine if an airstart should be attempted or if the engine should be
shutdown and then "pre-loaded" for a starter-assisted airstart.
Engine Failure on Climbout. Add power as required, clean up, and perform the Emergency Engine
Shutdown Checklist. Maintain VXSE/VYSE in the climb, as required. Remain VMC if possible, declare an
emergency, and state your intentions. If IMC, request a suitable approach for existing weather.
Recommend a PAR or ILS due to the precision glideslope. Provide souls on board, fuel remaining (time),
and the nature of the emergency, when time permits.
Engine Failure Enroute. Perform the Emergency Engine Shutdown Checklist, declare an emergency, and
land as soon as possible. Be alert to increases in cabin altitude and MEA requirements. Use charts and the
IFR Supplement to help determine suitable divert fields. Use the DRAFT technique from the AIGT study
guide to quickly give your intentions to ATC.
B. Single Engine Configuration Procedures. When executing a single engine or SSE approach,
maintain a clean configuration and 150 KIAS if possible (130-150 KIAS allowable) for the initial and
intermediate segments of the approach until configured. Configuration procedures depend on the type of
approach being flown. Any approach to a circle or sidestep will use non-precision approach configuration
Single Engine Precision Approach. Once established on final and approaching the precision glideslope
[ dot below glidepath (ILS) or at the "ten second gear warning" (PAR)], lower the flaps and gear and
complete the Landing Checklist; there should not be difficulty in maintaining 120 KIAS, fully configured,
when in the descent. Begin descent with sufficient power on the available engine to maintain glidepath and
airspeed; a strong crosscheck and appropriate controls will ensure that the aircraft doesn't get low or slow.
NOTE: If at any time you are unable to maintain glidepath or airspeed, you may retract the flaps and/or gear to
eliminate drag. After re-establishing glidepath and airspeed, reconfigure and complete the Landing Checklist
Single Engine Non-Precision Approach. When flying a single engine or SSE non-precision approach,
maintain a clean configuration and 150 KIAS if possible (130-150 KIAS allowable) until established on final,
then slow to a minimum of 120 KIAS anytime after the normal configuration point, but before the FAF; the
flaps and gear should be left in the up position. Keep sufficient power on the available engine to maintain
airspeed and the desired descent rate inbound from the FAF. Because less power is available when single
engine, it may be desirable to use a slightly higher lead than normal when leveling off at the minimum
descent altitude. Maintain 120 KIAS upon reaching the MDA; a strong crosscheck and appropriate control
inputs will ensure the aircraft does not get low or slow. Remain clean at 120 KIAS until landing is assured
and you are in a safe position to descend from the MDA to land, then select approach flaps, gear down, and
complete the Landing Checklist. When circling during SE operations, lower the flaps and gear when
intercepting the appropriate VFR pattern checkpoint. The Landing Checklist must be complete no later than
the 90 position. Place the operating prop full forward (both props on SSE approach) and review the Landing
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