Checklist. Airspeed may be reduced from 120 KIAS only when intercepting a segment of the VFR pattern.
Maintain a minimum of 110 KIAS until over the threshold. If an engine failure is experienced in the dirty
configuration, clean up immediately, and comply with the above procedures unless landing is assured.
During SSE training, ensure the gear is down no later than the 90 position or one mile from the
threshold; there is a possibility the "wheels watch" (Navy fields) may fire a flare if the gear is held
beyond this point.
For actual single engine approaches in good visibility, utilize VASI (or other optical system), if installed,
to maintain glidepath. In this situation, the approach may be considered to be precision for
configuration purposes.
Single Engine After Configuration Point. If an engine fails or must be shutdown after the aircraft has
already been fully configured, then the configuration should be matched with the above guidelines. On a
precision approach, additional power on the available engine will be required but changing the
configuration should not be necessary. On a non-precision approach, unless ready to descend from the
MDA for transition to land, it is normally necessary to raise the flaps and gear immediately and adjust
power on the available engine to maintain airspeed.
NOTE: During normal and emergency operations, the flaps and gear on the T-44 may be cycled simultaneously,
electrical load permitting. Fleet aircraft with hydraulic systems may require individual cycling due to fluid
demands, especially after experiencing an engine failure.
C. Radar Approaches.
Students are encouraged to visit the Air Traffic Control Facility in building 60 behind the Base Operations
hanger and observe the GCA final controllers "in action."
Lost Communications.
Backup. In preparation for the radar approach, select a backup approach compatible with the existing
weather. If you experience lost communications, you are automatically cleared to fly any published
approach unless the controller previously issued a specific lost communications approach. Refer to the
CTW-4/FAA letter of agreement for specific local instructions.
Contact. Attempt contact with the controlling agency if no transmissions are received for approximately:
one minute while being vectored to final, fifteen seconds while on final for an ASR approach, or five
seconds while on final for a PAR approach.
Voice Procedures. The radar approach is predicated entirely upon voice instructions from the approach
control or radar controller. Repeat all headings, altitudes (departing and assigned), and altimeter settings
until the final controller advises "do not acknowledge further transmissions". During high-density radar
operations, a limiting factor is the communication time available. Keep transmissions brief and specific,
commensurate with safety of flight. Never sacrifice aircraft control to acknowledge receipt of instructions.
On initial contact with the final controller, report altitude, heading, and gear. Climbout/missed approach
instructions will be issued by the final controller here at NGP, although normally received from approach
control. After landing, contact tower and report "Navy 1G411, GCA rollout".
Transitioning to Final.
Planning. Complete the Approach Checklist, review approach minimums, and tune navigation equipment
to comply with lost communication instructions when practical. Determine the approximate initial descent
rate required on final approach by referring to the `rate of climb/descent table' in the IAP books or by using
one of the techniques described in section 411 "Summary of 60:1 Rule and Other Rules & Formulas."
Dogleg. The transition to final segment of the approach includes all maneuvering up to a point where the
aircraft is inbound and approximately 8 nautical miles from touchdown. A dogleg to final is considered to
be part of the "transition to final" segment. Establish the aircraft configuration and airspeed and complete
the Landing Checklist.
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