D. Shuttle Approach.
A shuttle descent is the procedure used in holding to position your aircraft at a lower altitude for
commencing a low altitude instrument approach. A shuttle descent, initiated by ATC, is not a maneuver
performed at the pilot's discretion. If several aircraft are in holding at the same fix, they will be placed in a
"stack" with altitude separation (usually 1000 feet). Shuttles will be used to descend each aircraft to the
next lower stack altitude after the bottom aircraft in the stack has commenced its approach.
E. Approach/Landing Minimums.
Before commencing an approach using any of the above procedures, the approach criteria established in
OPNAV 3710.7 must be met. For straight-in approaches, pilots shall use RVR, if available, to determine if
visibility meets the weather criteria for approaches. Prevailing visibility shall be used for circling approach
criteria. The T-44 is a multi-piloted aircraft. However, for most training events, we must observe single-
piloted aircraft criteria (reference VT-31 SOP).
Multi-Piloted Approach Criteria. When reported weather is at or below published landing minimums for
the approach to be conducted, an approach shall not be commenced unless the aircraft has the capability to
proceed to a suitable alternate in the event of a missed approach.
Single-Piloted Approach Criteria. An instrument approach shall not be commenced if the reported weather
is below published minimums for the type approach being conducted. However, once an approach has
been commenced, pilots may, at their discretion, continue the approach to the approved published landing
minimums as shown in the IAP even if the reported weather goes below published minimums.
Absolute minimums for a single-piloted aircraft executing a precision approach are 200- (2400
RVR) or published minimums, whichever is higher.
These provisions are not intended to preclude a single-piloted aircraft from executing practice
approaches (no landing intended) at a facility where weather is reported below published
minimums when operating with an appropriate ATC clearance. The facility in question must not
be the filed destination or alternate, and the weather at the filed destination and alternate must
meet the filing criteria for an instrument clearance (specified in OPNAV 3710.7).
F. Configuration.
The aircraft is slowed to 120 KIAS when configuring, and this airspeed is maintained until making the
transition to land. The normal configuration point during the RI stage is approximately three miles prior to
the FAF for non-precision approaches or 1- dots below the glideslope on ILS precision approaches. Use
your own judgement to decide when to configure. If receiving unusually short vectors, or if considerable
altitude loss is necessary, the aircraft may be configured prior to intercepting final. When flying radar
approaches, configuration is normally most convenient on the dogleg heading prior to initial contact with
the final controller. The Landing Checklist must be complete prior to the FAF/glideslope intercept, unless
"holding the gear" in the up position when single engine (see next section for single engine configuration
procedures). Always attempt to be stabilized, trimmed for 120 KIAS in the proper configuration and at the
proper altitude, before crossing the FAF. The gear horn will not be silenced after the FAF/glideslope
intercept. At approach minimums, with the field in sight and in a safe position to land, review the landing
checklist complete and slow to cross over the threshold at a minimum of 110 KIAS.
No Flap Approaches. The no flap approach presents no unusual handling characteristics and is flown the
same as any other approach. The props are placed full forward on short final.
G. Student Tendencies.
Allowing instrument crosscheck to break down while implementing emergency/malfunction
Not having the Landing Checklist complete by the FAF/glideslope intercept
Overshooting intercept of final underestimating CDI rate of movement, especially during LOC
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