locally purchased food items that were not obtained from an SPV and were
not inspected by U.S. Army veterinary service personnel.
e. The PMA concerned with food inspections ashore should maintain
liaison with local personnel of the U.S. Army Veterinary services, USDA,
and/or USDC inspectors to avail themselves of general information and
techniques involved in food inspection.
f. Food inspections afloat should be made in the company of the supply
officer or representative, thus a combination of knowledge and training can
result in an effective inspection program.
g. The practice of sound judgement, coupled with experience and common
sense will help determine what items are fit or unfit. Foul odor and
unnatural appearance, as determined by the PMA, are causes for rejection.
3-1.2.2 Meats and Poultry
a. In the United States all meat and poultry purchased from
subsistence prime vendors or a subcontractor under a prime vendor contract
must have originated from plants operating according to all USDA
requirements and the law. In overseas areas where meats, meat products,
poultry, and poultry products cannot be obtained from plants under Federal
or State inspection systems, the U.S. Army Veterinary Service provides
inspection services. These approved plants are listed in the Directory of
Sanitarily Approved Food Establishments.
b. Guidelines for receipt of meats and poultry may be found in NAVSUP
3-1.2.3 Fish and Shellfish (seafood)
a. Fish may not be received from subsistence prime vendors unless
they are legally caught, harvested, and obtained from a source listed in
Directory of Sanitarily Approved Food Establishments or USDC Approved List
of Fish Establishments and Products.
b. Fish must be carefully inspected. Refrozen fish must not be used.
Fresh fish have bright red gills, prominent clear
eyes and firm elastic flesh. Stale fish are dull in appearance, have cloudy
and red bordered eyes and soft flesh; finger impressions are made easily
and remain when digital pressure is released.
c. Fish caught over the side at sea must not be consumed.
3-1.2.4 Fruits and Vegetables
Inspections of fresh fruits and vegetables are based on USDA standards.
Use common sense when inspecting fruits and vegetables. For additional
information refer to NAVSUP 421.
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