3-1.2.5 Canned Products
a. Foods in hermetically sealed containers shall be obtained from an
approved source. The use of home canned foods is prohibited.
b. Canned foods shall be inspected upon delivery.
Do not accept
defective canned goods.
c. Do not serve food from cans with abnormal odor, taste or
appearance, or from containers showing abnormalities such as dented seams,
bulging, swelling or leakage and rusting - particularly at the seams.
Identify suspect canned foods, set them aside and hold for inspection by
the PMA or the veterinary service.
3-1.2.6 Dry Food Items
a. Dry food items, other than canned goods, include such foods as
cereals, sugar, dried fruits/vegetables, flour and meal. They must be
stored under controlled conditions of temperature, humidity and air
b. Insects, particularly cockroaches and stored products pests, are
often transported from one location to another concealed among bulk food
items such as potatoes and onions or in and on cartons used to hold other
dry food items. Therefore, pierside inspection of these items is
3-1.2.7 Milk
a. Only Grade A pasteurized fluid milk and fluid milk products from
approved plants will be used or served. Manufactured milk products will
meet applicable Federal standards for quality.
b. Dry milk and dry milk products will be made from pasteurized milk
and milk products.
c. Milk and fluid milk products for drinking purposes will be procured
and served in the original, unopened, individual container of one pint or
less, packaged at the milk plant, or be procured in containers approved for
use with bulk milk dispensers. The PMA may approve use of original one
gallon containers.
(1) An exception is granted for child development center programs.
At child development center programs, milk may be transferred from bulk
milk dispensers, commercial one gallon or smaller containers to small,
clean, sanitized serving pitchers. The pitchers will be covered and
transported immediately to child activity rooms. All milk remaining in the
serving pitchers will be discarded.
d. Individual, single-service, disposable containers of one pint or
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