less will be used when fresh milk is served in flight, in transit, at field
exercises, to patients in isolation for infectious or suspected infectious
disease, or to individuals under similar conditions.
e. Milk and fluid milk products will not be offered for consumption
beyond product expiration date without approval from the local veterinary
f. Delivery inspections of dairy products are normally conducted by
personnel attached to the receiving activity.
Inspectors must ensure that
milk and milk products are from an approved source and delivered in
containers which are in good condition, properly sealed, organoleptically
acceptable, and that the temperature of the product on delivery is 45F or
less or in accordance with the current procurement contract.
g. Vehicles used in transportation of milk in its final delivery
containers must be refrigerated, constructed with permanent tops and sides,
and must be clean. The use of ice on tops of milk cartons for cooling milk
during delivery or on the serving line is prohibited.
3-1.2.8 Butter, Eggs and Cheese
a. Butter. Butter should be received in clean, unbroken cases. The
color should be uniform and the texture firm.
b. Shell Eggs.
(1) Shell eggs shall be received clean and sound and may not exceed
the restricted egg tolerances for U.S. Consumer Grade
B as specified in 7 CFR Part 56 - Regulations Governing the Grading of
Shell Eggs and U.S. Standards, Grades, and Weight classes for Shell Eggs,
and 7 CFR Part 59 - Regulations Governing the Inspection of Eggs and Egg
(2) Shell eggs must be received at 45 F or less and cooled and
maintained at 41 F or below.
(3) Liquid, frozen, or dry eggs and egg products shall be obtained
c. Cheese may be received in either natural or processed form. The
rind should be clean and free from mold or wrinkles. Moldy cheese must not
be sold or served unless it has been reconditioned. Cheese is
reconditioned when the following criteria is followed:
(1) If the cheese has been held at 41F, a inch layer is removed
and the moldy portions are discarded;
(2) The cutting must be performed so that mold contamination of the
new surfaces is prevented,
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