3-1.2 Acceptance Authority
General Information
Meats and Poultry
Fish and Shellfish (seafood)
Fruits and Vegetables
Canned Products
Dry Food Items
Butter, Eggs and Cheese
3-1.2.1 General Information
a. Acceptance of supplies will be at the food establishment or at the
delivery points chosen by the activity. The acceptance authority is
assigned to the ordering activity. Each activity is responsible for
accepting or rejecting supplies as they are received. The receiving
official is the final authority on acceptance or rejection of product. The
ordering activity shall designate, in writing, those individuals authorized
to accept or reject supplies delivered under the Subsistence Prime Vendor
b. Changes in procurement brought about by the SPV program will
include greater efficiencies and better partnership with industry through
such practices as just-in-time deliveries, best-value contracting, shared
production agreements and electronic data interchange. However, some of
basic concepts have not changed. They are as follows:
(1) All foods delivered to Navy and Marine Corps food
establishments will originate from approved food establishments. See
Section 3-1.1b.
(2) Deliveries made under SPV do not need to be inspected by the
Army Veterinary Inspector or the PMA prior to being accepted. (NOTE):
Suspected unwholesome products of any kind will not be accepted without the
concurrence of the responsible PMA.
(3) Fitness-for-human consumption is still required on any local
purchase food items not delivered by the SPV.
c. When deliveries are made to a Navy or Marine Corps food
establishment by a subsistence prime vendor or a subcontractor under a
prime vendor contract, inspection of delivery product by the PMA or Army
veterinary personnel is not required. However, when requested by the food
service officer or representative, the PMA will assist with any
determination concerning food that is delivered deteriorated, contaminated,
or infested.
d. Fitness-for-human consumption inspections must be conducted by the
PMA both ashore and afloat. These inspections will be conducted only on
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