(1) Establishments listed in USDA publication, Meat and Poultry
Inspection Directory.
(2) Establishments listed in USDA publication, List of Plants
Operating Under USDA Poultry and Egg-grading and Egg Products Inspection
(3) Establishments having a pasteurized milk compliance rating of
90 percent or higher, certified by a State Milk Sanitation Officer, and
listed in the Sanitation Compliance and Enforcement Ratings of Interstate
Milk Shippers List (IMSL). The IMSL is published quarterly by the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services; Public Health Service (PHS); FDA,
Center for Food and Applied Nutrition, Office of Compliance, Division of
Cooperative Programs, Milk Safety Branch.
(4) Establishments listed in the Dairy Plants Surveyed and Approved
for USDA Grading Service.
(5) Fish establishments listed in Parts I, II, and III of the
United States Department of Commerce (USDC) Approved List of Fish
Establishments and Products published by the U.S. Department of Commerce,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Fisheries
(6) Shellfish establishments listed in Interstate Certified
Shellfish Shippers List, published monthly by the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Washington, DC.
(7) The following establishments are also exempt from the Directory
of Sanitarily Approved Food Establishments listing.
(a) Food imported by distributors or brokers into the United
(b) Plants located in the United States that process food known
to possess little or no potential health hazards. Specific exemptions from
the directory listing of other plants are on an item-by-item basis. See
Naval Supply Systems Command Instruction 4355.4 /AR 40-657/MCO P10110.31
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