b. All food remaining on the buffet line must be discarded at the end
of the meal period.
c. Patrons must be required to use new tableware for each trip to the
buffet line.
3-5.14 Family Style Service
a. Certain small messes are authorized "family style"
service when serving facilities are not available. However, due
to the lack of food holding equipment and the potential for contamination
during service, strict compliance with the 4-hour rule is mandatory.
b. Foods must be placed out for service as close to meal periods as
possible in small quantities and be replenished as needed during the meal.
c. Adequate and proper serving utensils must be provided for each food
d. Salad mixtures, salad dressings and other potentially hazardous
foods to be served cold must be prechilled to 41F or lower, prior to
service and then be placed in pans on a bed of ice during service.
e. Potentially hazardous foods served "family style" must be discarded
as garbage after the meal period.
f. Bulk ice cream must not be served "family style."
g. Serving bowls/platters will not be refilled; clean
bowls/platters must be used. Any food not consumed must be discarded.
3-5.15 Special Meals
The 4-hour maximum time permitted for holding potentially
hazardous foods at temperatures between 41-140F is of particular
importance in the case of special meals (boat meals, flight meals, and
recreation parties). All types of flight rations must be carefully
packaged to preclude the risk of contamination and exposure during transit.
3-5.16 Commercial Meats, Cheeses and Salads
The following sanitary guidelines have been developed exclusively for the
handling and storage of commercially processed bulk food items:
a. Preslicing must be restricted to high turnover items.
b. When used, bayonet-type pricing mounts will not be allowed, under
any circumstances, to penetrate the food product. Instead, they should be
mounted into lemons or similar fruits for display purposes.
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