c. Use all salads, including the contents of a master container,
within 72 hours after opening. On each master container, mark the date and
time it is opened. Use only commercially prepared products purchased from
suppliers listed in the Directory of Sanitarily Approved Food
Establishments for Armed Forces Procurement or other government inspection
directories. Handle salads as follows:
(1) Sanitarily remove only the amount of salad expected to be
used/sold in 1 day from the master container and place in a clean,
sanitized pan in the display case. Label the pan with the date the master
container was opened, the lot number, the name of the supplier (if more
than one source of supply is used), and the expiration date.
(2) At the close of business each day, dispose of small amounts (1
quart or less) of leftover salad. Cover pans containing larger amounts
(more than 1 quart) with clean wrap and leave in the display case or place
into back-up refrigeration. Do not use aluminum foil, it will chemically
react with some foods. At the beginning of the next workday, place the
leftover salad into a clean sanitized pan. Position the pan so the leftover
salad will be used/ sold first. Never put salads from the display case
back into the master container.
d. Handle meats and cheeses as follows:
(1) Commercially prepared high moisture cheeses, luncheon meat
loaves, roast beef, ham, and similar products prepared and packaged by a
food processing plant shall be clearly marked, at the time the original
container is opened in a food establishment. Marking must indicate the
date by which the food shall be consumed, including the date the original
container was opened:
(a) All meats and cheese must be consumed within 7 calendar
days after opening. All meats and cheeses must be maintained at or below
(b) These items should be visually inspected upon each use and
discarded at the first sign of product deterioration.
e. Individually sliced and wrapped commercially prepared cheeses shall
be used or disposed of prior to their pull date. If visual inspection
reveals problems prior to the pull date the affected slices will be
disposed of as waste.
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