immediately prior to installing on the container; too frequent removal of
the pump while the container is in service may result in possible
contamination of the product. External cleaning of the pump with a
sanitizing solution, when in place, can be accomplished if necessary.
Similarly, individual single service packages of mayonnaise, other
condiments, and salad dressings do not require refrigeration.
g. Patrons must be required to use new tableware for each trip to the
Salad Bar.
3-5.12 Self-Service Items
a. Food items permitted in self-service areas in addition to salads
are bread, butter, crackers, relishes, condiments, beverages, and certain
types of desserts. Desserts which may be self-served are:
(1) Desserts portioned in individual dishes;
(2) Individually wrapped portions of ice cream. Bulk ice
cream will not be used for self service. Ice cream must be placed in
individual dishes.
(3) Cookies;
(4) Fruits (fresh, canned, stewed, and frozen);
(5) Soft ice cream from dispensing machines.
b. Desserts such as cakes, pies, puddings, and bulk ice cream will not
be self-service unless provided in individual dishes.
c. Food dispensing utensils must be stored in the food with handles
extended or in running water. Dry food dispensing utensils must be stored
clean and dry or in the dry food. These utensils must be designed for this
purpose. Self-service lines shall be carefully supervised throughout the
meal period to keep foods neatly arranged and replenished.
d. Authority to permit self-service of items other than
those listed in the preceding paragraphs must be requested in
writing from the installation preventive medicine authority.
3-5.13 Buffets
a. Buffet type meals have the potential of providing ideal
temperatures for rapid growth and multiplication of pathogens. Therefore,
it is essential that potentially hazardous foods not be held for more than
4 hours between 41-140F including the time required for preparation and
holding time before, during and after serving.
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