| ![]() CHAPTER 2
AGSM; your G-tolerance will build over time. Being in the best possible shape sets you up for
the most success when pulling the "big Gs."
a. Description. The USAF landing pattern is the standard VFR pattern for the USAF.
It is commonly referred to as the overhead pattern and closed pattern.
b. General. The USAF landing pattern will be flown in the no-flap configuration due to
NATOPS restrictions on flap retraction altitude and the potential to overspeed the flaps.
c. Gear Clear. In order to prepare you for USAF advanced training, pilots will inform
the other crewmember of intended gear actuation by stating "gear clear" prior to raising or
lowering the gear. After stating "gear clear," the pilot will hesitate momentarily prior to
actuating the gear. The IP will respond "clear" if gear restrictions are met.
a. Description. A landing pattern entered from initial.
b. General. This procedure outlines the standard entry to a USAF pattern.
c. Procedures
(1) After determining the active (duty) runway, maneuver to a point approximately
two miles from the approach end of the runway 170 KIAS, 1000 feet AGL or specified pattern
altitude. Use no more than a 45-degree intercept to initial to clear for traffic. Make your initial
call, "Duke Tower, Knight Two, 2 mile initial."
(2) If in formation, use a Crossunder as necessary to place your Wingman outside
the break. Plan to break between the approach end of the runway and 3000 feet down the
runway. With clearance to break from the tower, give the pitchout signal, and reduce power to
idle and roll into angle of bank (usually around 80-90 degrees) as required to attain
approximately WTD on downwind. Maintain pattern altitude and use G to bleed off airspeed.
The Wingman will wait five seconds and break using the same procedures.
(a) If winds are overshooting, move your downwind spacing away from the
runway. If winds are undershooting, adjust your downwind spacing toward the runway. Set a
drift-kill heading to maintain a ground track that parallels the runway.
(b) Interval: For touch-and-go's, the preceding aircraft must be abeam your
position. For a full stop, do not initiate break until preceding aircraft is 45 degrees behind your
(c) Fly the inside downwind at 140 KIAS (500 ft-lbs should hold this
airspeed). Abeam the desired touchdown point lower gear and start the Landing Checklist.
Add power to approximately 650 ft-lbs to maintain 120 KIAS until the
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