(e) When your intended point of touchdown is 45 degrees behind you (no-
wind day), you are at the "perch point." Report right/left base, gear down, option/touch-and-
go/full stop and begin your final turn.
(f) Adjust the perch point as necessary to correct for winds. Strong winds
may require an early perch to achieve the desired final approach length.
(g) Fly the final turn at 120 KIAS, 100 KIAS on final. Bank as necessary to
roll out on at least a minimum final of 1500 feet. Maximum final length is 3000 feet. Don t
forget to "pull" the aircraft around the turn with G.
Monitor AOA throughout the turn. If rudder shakers are activated, execute a go-
around. When you have to pull, do so as necessary, but do not forget to add power so
that you do not get slow or exceed 22 units AOA.
Execute a normal T-34 no-flap landing.
d. Common Errors
Getting slow in the final turn, banking and pulling without adding power.
Not bleeding off enough energy in the break and delaying configuration.
Late adding power on downwind after configuring and getting slow at the perch.
a. Description. A landing pattern initiated from the approach to the runway.
b. General. The closed traffic pattern allows the pilot to get the aircraft on the ground
expeditiously using a minimum amount of fuel. You may accomplish a closed pattern from an
initial takeoff, touch-and-go, or go-around.
c. Procedures
(1) Ensure power is set at 1015 ft-lbs. After the aircraft has become airborne,
accelerated, and a positive rate of climb has been established, check airspeed between 90 and
120 KIAS, announce "gear clear" and retract the gear. Confirm flaps up. Accelerate to 140
KIAS. If 140 has not been attained upon reaching 300 feet AGL, pilots may elect to reduce rate
of climb at 300 feet AGL to facilitate acceleration.
(2) MAINTAIN A POSITIVE RATE OF CLIMB below 300 feet AGL during the
acceleration to 140 knots. Leveling off below 300 feet AGL or descending at any time after
retracting gear to attain the 140 KIAS required for the subsequent closed pullup is prohibited.
(3) Request clearance for closed traffic on climbout. Initiate the closed pattern no
sooner than the departure end of the runway (unless present position closed is specified by the
controller) and at an airspeed no slower than 140 KIAS. Departure end of the runway and 170
knots is preferred.
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