e. Wingwork demo (energy neutral, similar to Wingovers in PA).
f. Extended Trail Wingover (energy neutral to energy gainer, see extended trail
maneuvering section).
g. Barrel Roll (energy neutral).
h. Cloverleaf (approximately energy loser, 100 feet per leaf).
i. Half Cuban Eight (energy neutral, good kinetic and potential energy exchange).
j. Fence-out.
Keep abreast of your energy state throughout the profile, use chairflying on the ground to plan
how you would like to string all the requirements for the mission together. The T-34 does not
have the same fuel limitations the T-38 does, so you are in for a big surprise when you start your
T-38 training. In T-38s, you are going to be given the requirements for the flight, then you will
be expected to run the entire show on your own, getting out to the area, executing the profile
while maintaining the area, and running the Return to Base (RTB). Accomplishing all the
requirements in the T-38, within the one fuel load, is going to make energy awareness essential.
A good anaerobic and aerobic training program on the ground is the best possible preparation
for the high G environment you can do short of flying high-G sorties every day. One of your
first experiences with your UPT class will be your visit to the centrifuge at Holloman AFB in
New Mexico. You will get plenty of academics there on a proper AGSM and all the aspects of
operating in a high G aircraft on a regular basis. What you can do now is start a training
program that will prepare you for pulling the "high tech" Gs. There are two key ingredients to
the AGSM; good breathing technique, and a good tensing of the muscles, particularly in the
lower extremities. As for the breathing technique, pulling and sustaining the high G levels is
going to be a function of your ability to take a big breath of air and trap it in your lungs. By
maintaining the higher pressure of air in your lungs, you are able to increase oxygen levels in
your blood to make up for the loss of partial pressure of O2 in your blood due to G. Sustaining
this higher pressure of air in the lungs necessitates the quick exchange of air every 2 - 3 seconds.
Typical high-G engagements are going to last 15 - 30 seconds and your ability to have a good
AGSM throughout the engagement is going to be a function of your state of aerobic training.
What is commonly taught as a rule of thumb is to do some form of aerobic training at least 3 - 5
times a week, at 80% of your max heart rate, for at least 20 minutes at a time. This can be in the
form of running, biking, stair-stepping, or such. A high-G engagement is going to be like
playing a hard 5 minutes of basketball, for example; if you see yourself having a hard time doing
that, then work out more aerobically. An aerobic exercise is working out with weights;
resistance training, if you will. Work your lower body heavily. Leg presses and squats are great
exercises for the AGSM. Work out the stomach as well; sit-ups, crunches, and leg lifts, for
example, are good for tightening up the stomach for your AGSM. Your G-suit will cover your
legs and your stomach, so the more you can strengthen those muscles, the better you can push
against the G-suit and constrict blood flow. This workout routine is not just for getting through
the centrifuge by the way, it is what you are going to want to do from now on. When you go to
Holloman, you will pull 7.5 Gs for the first time in your life; right now, all you have is your
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