| ![]() CHAPTER 5
(2) Lead will exchange a thumbs-up with the Wingman after checking the gear
once both aircraft are configured. Make the exchange when it will not interfere with flying the
(3) Lead will direct a frequency change to the appropriate Approach Control/Tower
frequency and check the flight in on the new frequency outside the final approach fix. If Whiting
is landing runway 5 or 32, Lead will automatically coordinate with Tower for South Field
penetration. If Tower will not approve the penetration, then do not execute a Formation
(4) Lead will follow ATC clearances/instructions and fly his best, smoothest
approach. The Wingman will maintain Fingertip position. Lead will query Tower for the
current winds if not given at the final approach fix call. A Crossunder will be performed at
Lead's discretion if the Wingman is not positioned upwind for the landing. Crossunder no lower
than 300 feet AGL. If a Crossunder is necessary below 300 feet AGL, Lead will let Wing land
while Lead executes a go-around to circle for landing on the same runway.
(5) Lead sets up on the extended runway centerline as soon as possible. If the
formation must circle to land, then Lead will maneuver to intercept at least a one to two mile
final. Maneuver the formation as required when within 3 DME. If for any reason the formation
approach must be discontinued, request maneuvering to initial for the break, or execute a
discounted entry to set up another formation approach. Tower must approve full-length at
Lead's "three-miles" call.
(6) Lead will roll out centered on his side of the runway. Wing crosschecks to
ensure runway lineup.
(7) Lead should fly a normal to slightly shallow, power-on, approach at 120 KIAS.
Lead should reduce power to slow to 110 KIAS on short final, no slower than 100 KIAS crossing
the runway threshold. Lead should use whatever visual glideslope is available, but no higher
than two red, two white on the VASI/PAPI, no lower than three red, one white.
(8) About 10 feet above the runway, Lead should start one smooth power pull so
that he is slightly above idle on touchdown. Lead should ensure that he is not carrying too much
energy into the flare so that the formation floats in ground effect. A slightly firm touchdown for
Lead is a good thing.
(9) Wing assumes the stacked level position after the FAF, with the runway in
sight, normally no later than 1.5 miles from the runway. The references for Two will be Lead's
front cockpit pilot's helmet bisected by the horizon, with Two's Wing's leading edge, lined up
with Lead's horizontal stabilizer's trailing edge (similar to the takeoff picture).
(10) Wing can check out front to update the formation's position from the runway,
but Wing will fly formation off Lead all the way to touchdown. One technique is for Wing to
"fly Lead's tires to the runway." In other words, Wing should try to touchdown when Lead
touches down.
(11) Once both aircraft are on the runway, Wing will go to full Beta and brakes and
call "Beta" on the radio. Lead uses mid-range Beta and tests his brakes. Once both aircraft are
under control, both aircraft will come to a complete stop or taxi off the runway. If Lead has to
cross in front of Wing to clear the runway, Wing will call "cleared cold" once the Wingman's
aircraft is under control.
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