Instrument Approach:
Prior to FAF
i. For a precision or nonprecision final, the Wingman will momentarily
turn away to ensure separation, commence a climb, inform Lead, proceed to the missed approach
point, and carry out the published missed approach procedure while obtaining a separate
clearance from approach control
Inside the FAF or Missed Approach
i. The Wingman will momentarily turn away from Lead to ensure
separation, commence or continue a climb, inform Lead, and carry out the published or assigned
missed approach procedure while climbing to 500 feet above the missed approach altitude. Add
500 feet to published altitudes until complying with an ATC clearance.
d. Common Errors
Wing fails to acknowledge call to go practice Lost Wingman.
Lead or Wing fails to call out heading and altitude.
Wing loses excessive altitude in maneuver or is not smooth with maneuver.
Wing does not tell Lead to rollout during turns into Lost Wingman.
Wing turns for longer than 15 seconds.
Lead is not expeditious about commanding a Rejoin once maneuver is
The Formation Approach is used to expedite the recovery of aircraft by recovering aircraft two
at a time. It can also be used as a recovery method for certain emergencies. The Wingman will
fly the Fingertip position until past the final approach fix and below the weather. Wing will then
fly a forward and stacked high position with his wing lined up with the trailing edge of Lead's
elevator (exactly the same as the takeoff picture) to either a missed approach, low approach, or a
landing. Full stop landings will be accomplished using full runway length. If flying a missed or
low approach, the Wingman will maintain the forward/stacked high position throughout the
maneuver until the landing gear and flaps are raised using Formation Takeoff procedures, then
the Wingman will move automatically to Fingertip. The key to a good Formation Approach is
smooth aircraft control as Lead and aggressive position maintenance by Wing. Lead must fly a
good approach! Lead cannot let Wingman consideration influence the instrument approach. Fly
your best approach as Lead, but be smooth. Make required corrections earlier than when you
were flying approaches single ship.
a. Procedures
(1) Lead will intercept the final approach course and will command the gear down
signal for the formation approximately two to three miles from the final approach fix.
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