| ![]() CHAPTER 5
Turns into the Wingman:
i. Acknowledge Wing's Lost Wingman call, roll wings level and
maintain heading. Call heading and altitude and airspeed on the radio. Command a Rejoin
when Wing calls "Visual."
Turns away from the Wingman:
i. Acknowledge Wing's Lost Wingman call and continue the turn. Call
heading passing and altitude and airspeed on the radio. Command a Rejoin when Wing calls
Straight and level:
i. Immediately transition to instruments.
ii. Smoothly turn away from the leader using 15 degrees angle of bank
for 15 seconds.
iii. Inform the leader, "Knight Two, practice Lost Wingman." (Call "Lost
Wingman" if maneuver is not for practice.) Acknowledge Lead's flight parameter radio call;
e.g., "Two."
iv. When the timing is complete, rollout, visually acquire Lead and call
"Knight Two's visual."
Turns Into:
i. Immediately transition to instruments.
ii. Smoothly reduce power to ensure nose-tail separation and maintain
angle of bank to ensure lateral separation.
iii. Inform the leader, "Knight Two, practice Lost Wingman, "Knight One
roll out." (Call "Lost Wingman" in actual IMC). Acknowledge Lead's flight parameter radio
call; e.g., "Two."
iv. Continue your turn for 15 seconds.
v. When the timing is complete, rollout, visually acquire Lead and call
"Knight Two's visual"
Turns Away:
i. Immediately transition to instruments.
ii. Smoothly reverse the direction of turn using 15 degrees angle of bank
for 15 seconds.
iii. Inform the leader, "Knight Two, practice Lost Wingman." (Call "Lost
Wingman" if maneuver is not for practice), Acknowledge Lead's flight parameter radio call;
e.g., "Two." Call out your heading passing and altitude.
iv. When the timing is complete, rollout, visually acquire Lead and call
"Knight Two's visual."
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