| ![]() T-45C TS INav-01
Review of FLIP and FAA Publications
Aircraft Codes
Identification codes for U.S. military aircraft.
LORAN/OMEGA Chart Coverage
Revisions/Quality Reports/Requisitions/Distribution/Schedules
A catchall chapter on how the FLIP system is kept current, how to obtain copies, and when to expect the
next revision.
General Planning (GP) is published every 32 weeks with Planning Change Notices (PCNs) issued at the
16-week midpoint of the GP book cycle, and Urgent Change Notices (UCNs) issued as required.
North and South America Area Planning (AP/1)
AP/1 contains aeronautical data for North and South America and supplements the data in General
Planning (GP), and select data in the en route supplements and Flight Information Handbook. You should
take a copy of AP/1 and follow through it while reading this part of the unit.
AP/1 is revised every 24 weeks and is amended by two scheduled Planning Change Notices (PCNs)
published 8 and 16 weeks after the effective date of AP/1. Since these PCNs are not cumulative, they
must be retained until the new issue of the basic product is received.
Information applicable to the entire North and South American theater is published in Chapter 1.
Information for each ICAO region in the theater is published in the subsequent chapters, using a separate
chapter for each ICAO region. The remaining chapters provide miscellaneous data that is of interest to
DoD aircrews.
The ICAO regional data is normally presented in three sections: A, B, and C. Section A contains
supplementary data applicable to the entire ICAO region; Section B contains data for the Flight Information
Regions (FIRs) and Upper Flight Information Regions (UIRs) within the ICAO region. Section C provides
data for the nations with the ICAO regions. Occasionally, a Section D is added for other significant data.
As we are primarily interested in U.S. procedures, turn to the United States section in Chapter 3.
Dimensional Units, Visual Flight Rules, Instrument Flight Rules, Altimeter Setting, Position
Reporting, Vertical Separation
Each theater, ICAO region, FIR/UIR, and national listing always include these six entries. They may
indicate Standard if they comply with ICAO standards.
Flight Planning
Has information on Quota Flow Control used primarily by the airlines to avoid excessive holding at their
destination. This has an excellent section on United States Controlled Airspace including a complete list of
all Class B and Class C areas, and pilot/equipment requirements for operations in that airspace.
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(2-02) Original
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