| ![]() T-45C TS INav-01
Review of FLIP and FAA Publications
Index For Aeronautical Information
Indicates the location by publication, or chapter in GP, of each subject of information in the FLIP
program. Cross-references are provided to assist in the location of data.
Explanation of Terms
The Terms with their accompanying definitions are taken from the FAA Pilot/Controller Glossary, plus
some ICAO and military terms. The source from which the term is taken is indicated.
FLIP Program
This chapter describes the DoD FLIP program, individual FLIP products, and related publications.
Included is a chart indicating the availability of FLIP products by geographic area.
Flight Plans
Contains detailed instructions for completing all types of military and civil flight plans, including
international flight plans.
Pilot Procedures
Contains standard pilot procedures while operating under both FAA and international (ICAO) rules. It is
divided into preflight, departure, en route, and arrival phases of flight with some supplementary
information. Contains an excellent section on the different NOTAM systems. You should become
thoroughly familiar with the contents of this section. Periodically through the year you should review this
section as a reminder of proper procedures.
International Civil Aviation Organization
The ICAO is an affiliate of the United Nations which establishes international rules and procedures for civil
aviation. U.S. military pilots are expected to conform to these rules to the maximum extent practicable.
Operations and Firings Over The High Seas
Concerns procedures to be used by U.S. military aircraft conducting air operations or gunnery exercises
within airspace over the high seas.
Aviation Weather Codes
Contains explanations of the Meteorological Aviation Report (METAR) codes used at all international
stations including the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and Puerto Rico. Also contains an explanation of the
Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF) codes used at all U.S. and overseas stations. Some modifications
have been made to the U.S. METAR and TAF to reflect the standard measuring system (i.e., feet, statute
miles, etc.). See AIM (Chapter 7) for a full description.
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(2-02) Original
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