| ![]() T-45C TS INav-01
Review of FLIP and FAA Publications
Pilots are kept current on temporary conditions affecting the status of en route and airport NAVAIDs and
facilities, on proposed changes to FAA procedures, and on major military training exercises by:
Notices To Airmen (NOTAMs)
Special Notices
In addition to the FLIP publications, the following National Ocean Service (Department of Commerce)
publications are approved by the DoD for use by military pilots and are normally available in most airport
flight planning areas:
Sectional Aeronautical Charts
VFR Terminal Area Charts (Class B Airspace)
This section will briefly familiarize you with each publication in the DoD FLIP program and the U.S.
Government flight publications (Department of Commerce) which together form a part of your tools of the
trade. You should be particularly familiar with those publications applicable to flights in tactical jet aircraft.
For every IFR flight outside the local training area, you will carry four FLIP publications in jet-type aircraft.
1. FLIP (Enroute) IFR Supplement
2. FLIP (Enroute) Flight Information Handbook
3. FLIP High Altitude Enroute Charts
4. FLIP (Terminal) High Altitude Instrument Approach Procedures
Also recommended would be the Low Altitude Enroute Chart or Arrival Chart, if applicable, for your
destination area and the CIV SIDs/STARs if you are going to a high density area.
Two other FLIP publications are applicable to tactical jet-type aircraft, but are used for preflight planning as
a backup to en route and terminal publications; therefore, they are not carried aboard aircraft.
1. FLIP Planning (GP, AP/1, AP/1A, AP/1B as applicable)
2. U.S. Air Force Foreign Clearance Guide
You should apply two basic rules to the everyday use of these FLIP publications:
Always use current issues of the applicable publications. Approach procedures and/or airways do
Always obtain the latest FLIP program information by referencing all applicable Change Notices,
Special Notices, and NOTAMs.
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(2-02) Original
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