| ![]() T-45C TS INav-01
Review of FLIP and FAA Publications
The FLIP program publications are maintained in a continual updated status between issues by several
1. Enroute Change Notices (ECNs)
2. Terminal Change Notices (TCNs)
3. Planning Change Notices (PCNs)
4. Urgent Change Notices (UCNs)
5. Special Notices
6. Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs)
Enroute Change Notices (ECNs)
Published on a scheduled basis, ECNs disseminate revisions, additions, and deletions to the current
issues of en route charts, supplements, and the Flight Information Handbook.
Terminal Change Notices (TCNs)
Published on a scheduled basis, TCNs disseminate revisions to the current instrument approach
procedure booklets, that is, a new instrument approach procedure to an airport to replace the current
Planning Change Notices (PCNs)
Published on a scheduled basis, PCNs disseminate revisions, additions, and deletions to the current
issues of the four sections of the FLIP planning publications.
Urgent Change Notices (UCNs)
ECNs, TCNs, and PCNs are published on a scheduled basis. Safety of flight information requiring an
unscheduled amendment to the en route charts, supplements, Flight Information Handbook, instrument
flight procedures, and planning publications is disseminated in the form of an Urgent Change Notice
Special Notices
ECNs, TCNs, PCNs, and UCNs are the methods by which publications are actually revised between
issues; however, pilots are kept current concerning new FLIP features, modification to the FLIP
publications formats, proposed changes to FAA rules, major military training exercises, etc., by Special
Notices. They are located on the inside front cover of the Planning Sections, supplements, and Flight
Information Handbook.
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(2-02) Original
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