| ![]() T-45C TS INav-01
Review of FLIP and FAA Publications
The FLIP (Enroute) Supplements consist of two books, divided, to provide separate IFR and VFR
directories. Together, they form a complete directory of all airports available to military aircraft. The text
on the front cover is printed in blue for the IFR Supplement and in brown for the VFR Supplement. This
color code corresponds to that used for VFR and IFR aerodrome symbols on the Enroute High and Low
Altitude Charts. The VFR Supplement is published every 24 weeks and the IFR Supplement is published
every 8 weeks. (The effective date and time is always on a Thursday, at 0901Z so you have the effective
issue for your weekend cross-country.)
You will be primarily concerned with the IFR Supplement; however, the VFR Supplement will be useful
when planning emergency diverts for low-level ONav flights. The IFR Supplement is designed for preflight
and in-flight reference and a current issue should be aboard your aircraft for every flight.
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(2-02) Original
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