| ![]() T-45C TS INav-01
Review of FLIP and FAA Publications
The ICAO NOTAM code is published to enable the coding of information regarding the establishment,
condition or change of radio aids, aerodromes and lighting facilities, dangers to aircraft in flight, or search
and rescue facilities. Encoding facilitates the dissemination of NOTAMs by reducing the transmission time
over telecommunication channels and eliminating translation.
All NOTAM code groups contain a total of five letters. The first letter of the code group is always the letter
Q to indicate that it is a code abbreviation for use in the composition of a NOTAM. The letter Q has been
chosen to avoid conflict with any assigned radio call sign.
Back Cover, Interception Signals
If you are intercepted by U.S. or foreign aircraft [usually in, or near the edges of an Air Defense
Identification Zone (ADIZ) or border], a series of standard signals to be used by the interceptor and
intercepted aircraft have been devised, in case radio contact cannot be made.
(2-02) Original
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