| ![]() T-45C TS & IUT INav-11
Practical Problems
4. What is the name of the service that provides the duty runway and altimeter information? _____
NOTE: This broadcast information is designated as information Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, etc.
5. Before taxiing, contact ___________________________________________________________.
6. What frequency should you be on to receive taxi instructions? ___________________________
7. If departure instructions are not in the original clearance, you will be given them by relay through
ground control or by the control tower. As you approach the holdshort area of the duty runway,
you should check your TACAN equipment with the posted radial/distance signs along the mat
area. Your tolerances for this check are
8. To obtain takeoff clearance, you contact what controller on what frequency? _______________
9. After you have completed your call for takeoff clearance, select the TACAN channel you will use
for departure, select TCN as the steering source. For this clearance you will use NMM channel
56. Switch your transponder to normal, select the assigned frequency for McCain Departure
Control, take the duty, do your runup, release your brakes, and note the ________ on your jet
log after getting safely airborne.
En route
At some point during your climbout or after level off, departure control will turn you over to an en route Air
Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC).
Hand-off to center:
DEPARTURE CONTROL: Navy one Alpha one four three: contact Memphis Center on three
seven seven point two.
PILOT: Navy one Alpha one four three, Roger, Memphis Center, three seven seven point two.
(2-02) Original
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