| ![]() T-45C TS & IUT INav-11
Practical Problems
Obtain taxi instructions from ground control:
PILOT: McCain Ground Control: Navy one Alpha one four three, taxi, information Bravo.
NOTE: In this case, information Bravo is the current version of the ATIS weather update. If you
did not have the current version, ground control would then communicate, Navy one Alpha one
GROUND CONTROL: Navy one Alpha one four three: taxi to runway one right.
PILOT: Navy one Alpha one four three, Roger.
Contact tower for takeoff clearance:
PILOT: McCain Tower: Navy one Alpha one four three, takeoff.
TOWER: Navy one Alpha one four three, on departure, maintain runway heading until two
thousand feet, then turn right, direct Montgomery. Wind three six zero at five. Runway one right,
cleared for takeoff, switch departure.
PILOT: Navy one Alpha one four three, cleared and switching on the right.
You are airborne at 1301Z and contact departure control.
NOTE: When departure control is not located at the airport, you might not be able to get radio contact until
airborne (due to UHF being line of sight).
PILOT: McCain Departure: Navy one Alpha one four three, airborne, passing two thousand for
seven thousand.
DEPARTURE CONTROL: Navy one Alpha one four three, radar contact, climb and maintain
flight level three seven zero.
PILOT: Navy one Alpha one four three, continuing to three seven zero.
Departure Questions
1. What frequency should you use to call clearance delivery? ______________________________
2. Are you required by ATC to read back the clearance when clearance is exactly as filed? ______
3. What frequency should you select to obtain the duty runway and altimeter information?________
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(2-02) Original
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