Electrical and Indicator Emergency Procedures
Electrical, environmental, or indicator emergencies can be subtle
such as erroneous airspeed indications due to pitot static system
malfunctions or smoke in the cockpit that is not very subtle. Use
these exercises to solidify what you learned in EMFP-08. If there
is something that still does not make sense, now is the time to get
it straightened-out.
This lesson provides NATOPS exercises for emergency
procedures for:
Single Inverter Failure
Double Inverter Failure
Total Electrical Failure
Electrical Fire
Pitot Static Malfunction
Smoke/fumes in Cockpit
OBOGS Malfunction
This lesson is presented in three basic phases:
Instruction Phase
The student will be guided "hands-on" through the emergency
procedure with audio and on-screen text prompts. Completion of
the instruction for the procedure qualifies the student to select that
specific procedure from the Practice menu.
Practice Phase
The student may select any of the emergency procedures for
which he/she has completed the instruction phase of training.
The Practice session will identify the procedure being practiced in
the header at the top of the screen, but will not tell the student
which step to perform or how to perform it. Practice sessions
demand proper action in the proper sequence. Feedback is given
and the opportunity to attempt the procedure again if an error is
made. If desired, the student may retake an instructional section.
Original (9-98)
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