Engine and Hydraulic Emergency Procedures
Failure to relight procedures - See NATOPS
NOTE: Once an Immediate Airstart has been
attempted and was unsuccessful, the decision to
eject or make another airstart attempt using the
Windmilling or Assisted Airstart procedures must
be made. In a case such as this, the appropriate
course of action is governed by altitude,
airspeed, engine N2 RPM aircraft condition, and
common sense. The airstart procedures listed
below provide alternatives relative to flight
envelope should the Immediate Airstart
procedure be unsuccessful.
Windmill airstart procedures - See NATOPS
Explain to the class that windmilling RPM may fall to zero during
prolonged descent at low airspeed due to engine accessory
loads. 0 RPM is normally not an indication of mechanical failure
(engine seizure) unless "preceded" by other symptoms. If
windmilling RPM falls below 13%, use assisted airstart procedure
once in the envelope. If RPM is "0", attempt an assisted airstart
by pressing the GTS button. In the case where 0 rpm was
indicated, DO NOT introduce fuel (throttle to idle), unless a
minimum of 15% rpm has been achieved.
Original (9-98)
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